– Flag V, also known as "Proud Pacific Nation"

This design acknowledges Britain and our founding history, but in a way that shows absolute pride in Aotearoa New Zealand. It shows us as a grown-up country in our own right – an island nation in the South Pacific Ocean, where we are proud to be New Zealanders. A timeless flag that reflects a country known for its natural beauty, and the Maori aspect that is uniquely ours.

With cheerful colour as well as links to our national sports colours, our flag would be used for everything. Instead of being mistaken as British or Australian, our flag will proudly show we're New Zealand. Plus it automatically includes all New Zealanders – regardless of ancestry.

See how easily you can find the flag. It's a distinctive design, and would soon become known.

The design also works well flying. See  (link on Index page).
Watch it flying for a while, then compare with our present flag.